Kerry Withoos, Accredited Practising Dietitian


Low FODMAP diet

Learn the triggers that influence your bowel symptoms.  Symptoms that can include bloating, wind, diarrhoea and/or constipation and pain. Learn how to reduce or eliminate FODMAP carbohydrates.


Please click on low FODMAP or getting started for details.

Low FODMAP diet

Learn the triggers that influence your bowel symptoms.  Symptoms that can include bloating, wind, diarrhoea and/or constipation and pain. Learn how to reduce or eliminate FODMAP carbohydrates.


Weight Loss Success

With my weight loss email service, I provide daily feedback on your emailed food diaries, with advice & suggestions on your choices and motivation and support for your most successful weight loss journey.


Symptom free in no time...

With a food and symptom diary, I can help you become symptom free in no time at all, as well as assist with any other goals that you may have including weight loss, diabetes, heart health and so forth.